Tuesday, January 24, 2012

9 Months Old - Starting to Walk

We took our 3rd H-burg trip for an early Thanksgiving.

Her 9 month Dr Stats were:
Weight: 20.81 lbs (82%)
Height: 29.75" (97%)
Height Circum 17.72" (78%)
BMI 16.53

Oct 20- New top 1st tooth
Oct 25- Took 2 steps on her own!!
Oct 26th - 2nd top tooth, she now walks across the room with the piano as a walker
Oct 27th - 4th tooth popped through, now she walks with blue car convertible walker! She loves it!

She also had a lot of stranger anxiety and most times Im the only one that can settle her down.

Little over 9 months she started to sleep 11 hours at night again. There was a 5-6 week stretch were she was up once a night. Probably from teething.

When you tell her to kiss a book or herself in the mirror she can, on command.

She also knows to turn book pages and lift the flaps.

On November 7th - almost 2 weeks before she turned 10 months old - she began walking from person to person taking 10+ steps at a time!! Big feat!!!

Nov. 11 - My mom taught her "So Big" - We love to ask "How big is Reese?" so she can put both of her hands in the air and show us. :)

Nov. 13th - Jen finally taught her to clap. She claps when you tell her to or when you say, "Let's Patty Cake."

At 8 Months she liked to:

At this age, Reese liked to:
Bang items together
Walk with help
Cruise around ottoman and couch
look at books
Ride in red car from Carla

7 & 8 Months - Crawling & 1st Tooth

7.5 months old - We went to Leah's wedding in PA, Reese was the flowegirl but didnt make it down the aisle in the wagon with Tristan. She cried a lot and was tired and scared of being put down.

At 7.5 months - she could mimick a wave, she can (sort-of) clap, high 5 and spit/blow bubbles with tongue.

Army crawl at 7 months and really crawl at 8 months.

8 Months: We went to Florida with my family - Reese's 1st beach trip (but 3rd time flying). We had very LONG travel days with layovers, then a 45 min drive to the beachj house. We missed the first flight out, since I didnt check my newest Delta email (Peggy drove us to the airport). Then, we missed a possible early connector because we were sitting in the Panama City, Panama gate, instead of the one for PC, FL. I had a bad day!!

On her 8 month bday, Reese cut her first tooth. She woke up screaming from a nap and she was with Ty and Joe in the beach house.

8 Months, 5 days: Pulled up on our coffee table for 1st time. So we lowered her mattress and soon enough she was standing in her bed!

8.5 Months: She was teething and crying all the time! She would chew on a frozen bib nonstop. Or even suck water out of a cold wet one. Her 3rd tooth (top) started showing around Oct. 3rd.

6 month Dr. Stats

Weight 18 lbs (88%)
Height 27.25 Inches (92%)
HC 16.93 (67%)
BMI 17.35